Rule-1: ‡jvf / AvKv¶v Kiv A‡_© Preposition ‘‘after / for’’ e‡m|
Hanker after Hunt after
Run after Crave after/ after
Aspire after Greedy after/ for
Long after/for Ambition for
Rule-2: wbKU
A‡_© Preposition ‘‘to’’ e‡m|
Near to Contigent to
Adjacent to Close to
Rule-3: `¶
A‡_© Preposition ‘‘in’’ e‡m|
Adept in Proficient in
Expert in Deficient in (A`¶)
Versed in Apt in
Excel in e¨vwZK«g: Good
at Quick at Ready at
Rule-4: DcKvwiZv /Dc‡hvwMZv A‡_© Preposition ‘‘to’’ e‡m|
Useful to Benefinicial to
Preferable to Favourable to
Necessity to Essential to
Suitable to Congenial to
Advantageous to Conducive to
Profitable to
Rule-4: Dchz³ /‡hvM¨/A‡hvM¨ A‡_© Preposition ‘‘for’’ e‡m|
Qualified for Fit for
Eligible for Suitable for
Competent for perfect for
Rule-4: weiZ
_vKv /`z‡i _vKv/ Gwi‡q Pjv/ i¶v Kiv/
avib Kiv /gzw³cvIqv A‡_© Preposition
‘‘from’’ e‡m
Deter from Expect from Debar from
from Originate
from Aloof from
Prohibit from Delete from Abstain from
Refrain from Prevent from Absent from
Hinder from Exchide from Conceal from
Exempt from Escape from Defend from
Emerge from Suffer from Detach from
from Distinct
from Deviate
Rule-5: ¶wZKi/weZ„òv
A‡_© Preposition ‘‘to’’ e‡m|
Hurtful to Injurious to
Detrimental to Adverse to
Aversion to Prejudicial
Offensive to Antipathy to
Rule-6: fvM
Kiv/eÈ Kiv A‡_© Preposition ‘‘to’’ e‡m|
Allot to Allocate to
Rule-7: ‡j‡M_vKv/AvUwK‡q/Rwi‡q _vKv A‡_©
Preposition ‘‘to’’ e‡m|
Cling to Adhere to
Stick to Clue to
Hang to True to
Add to Fix to
Key to
Rule-8: wbf©i
Kiv A‡_© Preposition ‘‘on/upon’’ e‡m|
Count on/upon Depend on/upon
Rely on/upon Based on/upon
Contingent on/upon
Rule-9: ZvKv‡bv
A‡_© Preposition ‘‘at’’ e‡m|
next post koi vai
ReplyDeletethis is stupid